On 7/1/20 5:36 PM, Petr Štetiar wrote:
> Hauke Mehrtens <ha...@hauke-m.de> [2020-06-29 00:29:22]:
> Hi,
>> This is set in the configure_status() function:
>> https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.4.47/source/arch/mips/kernel/traps.c#L2125
>> But I think this is not working correctly under some unknown conditions.
>> I printed the read_c0_status() in the do_dsp() function and when this
>> exception occurs the DSPEn bit is *not* set.
> maybe it's due to the following:
>  if (cpu_has_dsp)
>       status_set |= ST0_MX;
>> Does someone see a bug in the broken version?
> No.
>> In this line:
>>   4c:   40826000        mtc0    v0,c0_status
>> in v0 the following bits should be set:
> Seems to be alright:
>> #define ST0_MX                       0x01000000
>  2c:   3c040100        lui     a0,0x100 << 16 = 0x01000000
>> #define ST0_CU0                      0x10000000
>  8:   3c051000        lui     a1,0x1000 << 16 = 0x10000000
> I think, that the problem is here, as the ST0_MX bit is set conditionally:
>  20:   30630010        andi    v1,v1,0x10
>  24:   10600003        beqz    v1,34 <configure_status+0x34>
>  if (cpu_data[0].ases & 0x10)         // 0x10 = MIPS_ASE_DSP
>   #define MIPS_ASE_DSP           0x00000010
>   #define cpu_has_dsp            __ase(MIPS_ASE_DSP)
>   #define __ase(ase)             (cpu_data[0].ases & (ase))
> and then status_set doesn't have ST0_MX bit set? Just printk the status_set.
> -- ynezz

There is a hazard between a mtc0 in the configure_status() and the mfc0
in the configure_exception_vector() function which is not cleared and
causing this problem. The ST0_MX bit is set, but later we read back the
old value and set the old value again.

This hazard is documented in the "MIPS32® 74K™ Processor Core
FamilySoftware User’s Manual"  and "MIPS® Architecture Base: 32-bit
Privileged Resource Architecture Technical Reference Manual"

I send a patch which should fix this problem.


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