Hello David,

On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 04:20:29PM +0100, David Bauer wrote:
> > If no users speak up probably it's better to remove all the support
> > code altogether to avoid wasting maintainers' time on it?
> The code is not really an issue, as there's not much code dedicated for 4M
> devices. It's mostly their device-tree, which is maintainable compared to the 
> previous
> ar71xx boardfiles.

It's still an effort. People spend time writing patches, reviewers
spend time reviewing, maintainers spend time merging and we're now
spending time discussing.

> As many people still use these 4M devices

Judging by the amount of replies from active users to my mail
(apparently zero), not many. Probably those who're using do not plan
to upgrade firmware so can't care less. Probably they're perfectly
fine with sysupgrade not keeping configs on those odd inconsistent
tplink boards. If they are not speaking up, I'd say keeping the target
is actually harmful.

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