On 11/12/2019, Daniel Golle <dan...@makrotopia.org> wrote:
> Hi Tomislav,
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 11:24:21AM +0100, Tom Psyborg wrote:
>> suck it
> As a community, we decided to give our self a set of minimal rules[1].
> And even though it is in the last position, rule #12 "Be nice to each
> other." is meant just as serious as all the other rules.
> So here, not for the first time, you are using language which has the
> only purpose to hurt other people (for which reason ever, it doesn't
> matter). This is therefore a very clear violation to the above
> mentioned rule. You statement "suck it" (guess what) is also an obvious
> and disgusting example of a masculist culture which hurts our community
> as a whole and I strongly believe we should not tolerate that.
> And yes this was a spam mail. And it's even needless to say that
> replying to a spam email in which ever way will always make it worse.
> But that's not the point here and I will not engage in any discussion
> on that matter.
> Please learn to behave or leave us alone.
i take "us" for a couple of you hire chinese or create dupe account to
spam with your nonsense. otherwise your +1 replies indeed do make it

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