Dear Bjorn,
Thank you very very much! You've been always helpful tome... :)
thank you for pointing me at your work - it has been very useful. I was using
as references sources from the TP-Link Archer D2.
thanks to your hints and work, I arrived to some of the conclusions you did.
Your device was booting, instead in my case I am not able to get it past the
PMU issue.
And even ignoring this error I end up having issues with the GPTU.
I guess the FRITZ!BOX3272 is maybe of another family of devices. don't know,
running out of ideas.
Any hint of what I might try next?
I didn't find GPL code for this device from AVM - but maybe it's just me. Any
help would be really apreciated.
BTW - PMU activation fails in sysctrl.c, in function
static int pmu_enable(struct clk *clk) ...
On Wed, 28 Aug 2019, Bjørn Mork wrote:
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 18:52:38
From: Bjørn Mork <>
To: Enrico Mioso <>
Cc: Martin Blumenstingl <>,
Hauke Mehrtens <>,
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [lantiq] help in supporting FRITZ!BOX 3272
Enrico Mioso <> writes:
I am still trying to port a FRITZ!BOX3272 device to OpenWRt.
I tried to grab as much informations as I could, but I am arriving to the
conclusion I hould be doing something really wrong.
First of all, the kernel panics due to a data abort at
linux-4.19.66/arch/mips/lantiq/xway/sysctrl.c, line 478
/* make sure to unprotect the memory region where flash is located */
ltq_ebu_w32(ltq_ebu_r32(LTQ_EBU_BUSCON0) & ~EBU_WRDIS, LTQ_EBU_BUSCON0);
[SYSTEM:] AR10 on 500MHz/250MHz/250MHz
Eva_AVM >
0.000000] Linux version 4.19.66 (mrkiko@mStation) (gcc version 7.4.0
(OpenWrt GCC 7.4.0 r10863-e1dcfe02b2)) #0 SMP Mon Aug 26 16:21:13 2019
[ 0.000000] SoC: xRX300 rev 1.2
Right, so this is AR10/xRX300. Been there, trying to get a D-Link
DWR-956 running, and gave up without getting the T-Shirt ;-)
I believe the problem you are hitting right now is caused by wrong
address for the EBU. It is not at 0x1E105300 like for the VR9 etc, but
at 0x16000000 on the AR10.
So change this:
ebu0: ebu@e105300 {
compatible = "lantiq,ebu-xway";
reg = <0xe105300 0x100>;
ebu0: ebu@6000000 {
compatible = "lantiq,ebu-xway";
reg = <0x6000000 0x100>;
I was stuck the same place for quite some time....
I pushed my abandoned DWR-956 branch here now:
in case it is of any use to you.
Note that this branch is a terrible mess of Work-in-Progress, meant for
my eyes only. And even I can't make much sense out of it anymore. So
you might be better off just ignoring it. Your call.
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