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--- Begin Message ---
Hi Enrico,

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 1:15 AM Enrico Mioso <> wrote:
> Sat, 24 Aug 2019 01:14:40 +0200 (CEST)ear OpenWRt list,
> I was looking at trying to add support to the FRITZ!BOX 3272 to OpenWRt.
> It is based on the Lantiq AR10 platform - for which I wasn't able to find any 
> informations, even tought I see kernel code to support it is already 
> available.
> From where may I start ?
from what I know AND if I remember correctly:
* the Ethernet controller is the same as on the VRX200 SoCs, only the
clocks are slightly different (the clock code may already account for
that, I don't know)
* the NAND controller got hardware ECC support (the upstream driver
doesn't support that yet and the upstream driver needs a rework
anyways because it's using the legacy NAND API)
* it has two PCIe controllers (VRX200 has one, our current PCIe
controller driver will not work with two controllers enabled - but
there's an ongoing effort in upstreaming the PCIe driver [0] which
will solve that problem)
* it has three built-in GPHY IP cores (VRX200 has only two, that means
it supports 2x Gbit ports - each using one GPHY - and 2x 10/100 Mbit/s
- using the third GPHY - Ethernet ports)
* upstream Linux should already have support for the clocks (there may
be bugs, but basic support is probably there)
* upstream Linux should already have support for GPIO and pin controllers
* the CPU cores are the same as on VRX200 so the whole CPU tree,
interrupt controller, etc. should all be the same (and thus supported
by upstream Linux)

Hauke is working on an upstream Ethernet driver, so if I were to touch
anything Ethernet related I would ask him about his plans fist.
upstream PCIe support is ongoing [0], I am following that discussion
instead of duplicating work.
Hardware ECC support for the NAND controller (as well as rewriting the
NAND controller driver to match the new upstream NAND driver API) is
something that nobody is working on (as far as I know).

> E.g.: is there any similar devices or places I might start looking?
the BT Home Hub 4A uses an ARX368 (= also "AR10")

adding support for any ARX300 based device ("AR10", such as the
FRITZ!Box 3272) then you I suggest to start very simple. if I would do
it then would use the following steps:
- create a bare minimum arx300.dtsi (I would start with one CPU,
memory and UART)
- add more devices, one-by-one to that .dtsi validating that each of them works
- find the ones that don't work and find out why that is (trying to
understand the out-of-tree drivers from the Lantiq "UGW" helps me here
- as well as feedback from Hauke and John)
- make it work (this typically involves sending kernel patches early
to upstream and getting feedback)



--- End Message ---
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