Hello Etienne,

On 15.07.19 04:30, Etienne Champetier wrote:
> Hi David,
> Le dim. 14 juil. 2019 à 04:25, David Bauer <m...@david-bauer.net> a écrit :
>> Hi Etienne,
>> one small remark:
>> On 14.07.19 04:43, Etienne Champetier wrote:
>>>       ath79_init_mac(ath79_eth1_data.mac_addr, ath79_mac_base, 0);
>>>       ath79_eth1_data.mii_bus_dev = &rbwapgsc_phy_device.dev;
>>>       ath79_eth1_data.phy_if_mode = PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_SGMII;
>>>       ath79_eth1_data.phy_mask = BIT(RBWAPGSC_MDIO_PHYADDR);
>>> +     ath79_eth1_data.enable_sgmii_fixup = 1;
>> This should be dropped as it's not necessary anymore.
> Did some more tests and it's definitely needed (here this is ar71xx &
> Linux 4.14)
> It's still used for other boards, could you detail why it's not needed
> anymore, since what version, reference some commits ?

You are right, it is needed. I was only focused on the workaround for the PHY 
but we indeed explicitly need to enable the MAC side workaround too.

So this looks good to me.

Best wishes

> Thanks
> Etienne
>> Best wishes
>> David
>>>       ath79_eth1_pll_data.pll_1000 = 0x03000101;
>>>       ath79_eth1_pll_data.pll_100 = 0x80000101;
>>>       ath79_eth1_pll_data.pll_10 = 0x80001313;

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