On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Zoltan HERPAI <wigy...@uid0.hu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Zoltan HERPAI wrote:
>> Hi Hauke,
>> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
>>> I am working on merging the missing commits from the OpenWrt git
>>> repository into the LEDE repository.
>>> Here is a list of all non merge commits from the OpenWrt git repository
>>> and their corresponding LEDE commit IDs:
>>> https://github.com/hauke/openwrt-lede-merge/blob/master/commits.csv
>>> I only looked into the non merge commits and assumed that commits with
>>> the same title are the same, if this is wrong please point me to some
>>> place where this causes problems.
>>> I used this script to generate the csv table:
>>> https://github.com/hauke/openwrt-lede-merge/blob/master/openwrt-merge.py
>>> The bigger topics I see are:
>>> * addition of SoCFPGA target with kernel 4.4 support
>>> * Will someone port this to kernel 4.9 or provide me with hardware so I
>>>   can try to port this and test it?
>>> * There are some commits without a Signed-off-by line, I will contact
>>>  the authors.
>>> * The realview target was removed from LEDE, but it got an update to
>>>  kernel 4.4 in OpenWrt, how do we want to handle this? Does anyone need
>>>  the realview target?
>> As discussed earlier, I've prepared manually a list of commits that are
>> missing from LEDE. I was about to send:
>>  - a set of patches that probably don't need any discussion and can be
>> merged right away,
>>  - a set of patches that are RFC, and should be discussed.
>> Let me know if that should still happen.
> The series has been sent as discussed on irc. I don't recall any more
> required - also based on checking the CSV, thanks for prepping that.
> The RFC patches/PRs are:
> ----
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/433
> I'd like to add genimage support to OpenWrt. With this package one can
> create arbitrary image either for internal flash or SD/USB storage devices.
> As this package is basically applicable to any target should I enable it in
> tools/Makefile tools-y target?
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/409
> Add nconfig toplevel target to utilize ncurses ui configuration utility as
> found on kernel's buildsystem.
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/533
> tools: add package autoconf-archive
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/464
> Add full control of network configuration to a user script #464
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/312
> ar71xx: add support for Zsun WiFi SD Card Reader
> -
> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/4f997727aef0603f02e9320ba787ea1b894747c0
> lantiq: td-w8980: fix failsafe mode via ethernet.
> -
> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/9fb1348a0aa8954535ec5a2c088037af0d7b9297
> packages: lzo: Update LZO Makefile to repair dead Main URL
> - https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/539
> Add TL-WA901v5 support

Following PR is also nice to have :
Stop pollution of dns and domain variables in dhcp.script


> ----
> - #1-4 would require discussion if they're needed at all, they look as "nice
> to have".
> - #5 needs some work as it has some dirty hacks. This can be taken care on
> the summit's second day - I recall someone going there has a ZSun reader
> - #6 - I haven't seen traces of this in LEDE, but I leave it to the lantiq
> experts to opinion on
> - #7 was due to an outage if I recall correctly, again, it's optional
> - #8 - needs some further changes around creating the -factory image
> Regards,
> -w-
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