On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Stefan Monnier <monn...@iro.umontreal.ca>

> Currently, LEDE has the same problem as LibreOffice, but compounded by
> the fact that most people have no idea what LEDE is, let alone that it's
> somehow related to OpenWRT.

Not only this, but LibreOffice and OpenOffice are both, well, clearly
office application suites from the name. LEDE stands for "Linux Embedded
Development Environment", which to me, doesn't really even imply "Linux
distribution". A development environment could be an IDE and some various
tools-- I'm not sure "development environment" is a great way to
characterize this project. There's also the problem that if you search for
LEDE, at the very least Google wanted to know if I'd misspelled "lead", or
if I was referring to the journalistic definition of "lede"-- it's kind of
a generic name.

While personally I like the idea of keeping the name OpenWRT, the argument
for potentially rebranding does make some sense-- but it might be a good
idea to consider other potential names too, that might be a bit less
generic? Although this might be rehashing a discussion that already
happened a number of months ago.

Ben Rosser
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