Surely it is possible to do this using dnsmasq? I have something like this in my /etc/config/dhcp file:
config dnsmasq option domainneeded '1' option boguspriv '1' option filterwin2k '0' option localise_queries '1' option rebind_protection '1' option rebind_localhost '1' list rebind_domain 'site2' list server '/site2/' option local '/site1/' option domain 'site' option expandhosts '1' option nonegcache '0' option authoritative '1' option readethers '1' option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases' option resolvfile '/tmp/' My local domain is 'site1', so I can access my router in a browser at the address 'myrouter.site1' , which it I have understood correctly is what you are trying to do, right? (Note that I also have a vpn to another local network with domain 'site2', and can access the router there at 'myotherrouter.site2') Check the various configuration options I use in the dnsmasq documentation, because it is some time since I set this up and I don't remember the details. The 'server' and 'rebind_domain' are for the vpn, so you shouldn't need those. Or have I misunderstood the question? Ben _______________________________________________ openwrt-devel mailing list