On 12.03.2015 09:45, Tymon wrote:
> Thank you for your answer, Claudio Thomas:
>               I use the default utility called dnsmasq ( a light-weigh
> dns server and dhcp server) on openwrt 12.09.
>               Of course the dhcp-server function is enabled and
> PC-wireless client can get the ip address normally.
>               Now I can see dns is (just the router) on my
> PC network configuration, thus I need to modify
>               the dnsmasq configuration so that it can map the domain
> name (e.g. admin.myrouter.com<-->  I type on browser ?
Hi Tymon,
again: The service that can map from a domain (like admin.myrouter.com)
to an IP-address (like is a DNS-Server (like bind9). In
your case there is probably no DNS-server in the world that knows
"admin.myrouter.com". Thats why you don't get the IP to that domain.
Because no server in the world knows this domain YOU must find a
solution so that 1 server in the world knows this domain: your own
DNS-server with a zone file for "myrouter.com".

The dnsmasq does only forward and cache the queries, but does not has
the option (so far I know) to manage your own domain. You need to set up
a dnsserver and create a zone file where the mapping for "all" hostnames
for the domain "myrouter.com" are defined.

Sorry, but it is not possible to explain how to set up a DNS-server by
mail. But there are many DNS-server howtos on the net (like in the
openwrt wiki <http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/dns.bind>). In small
chunks: remove dnsmasq + install binddns-server, enable forwarding, add
a master-zone entry in the named.conf, define your zone file and start
your dns-server (bind).

PS: be carefull when using domain-names that (could) really exist in the
internet. In your case only use *.com domains if this domain belongs to
you. "admin.myrouter.com" coudl be a bad idea, "admin.myrouter" would
probably be better.

Best regards,

Working on OpenWrt CC for Xmodus GSM Router XM1710E

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