Hi Gert,
In regular OpenWrt ip6assign means that - as already written - a /60 (if
available) is taken from the DP and the assigned to the given interface.
That value was chosen rather arbitrarily. The first /64 of that DP is
handed out via RA and stateful DHCPv6 (IA_NA). The rest of the /60 (or
whatever you set in ip6assign) can be acquired by downstream routers on
that interface via DHCPv6-PD.
Regarding homenet / hnetd, please see http://www.homewrt.org for some
documentation. Also feel free to ask me (I'm one of the authors of the
draft and implementation) or join us on #hnet-hackers on freenode about
anything you might need / want to know.
hnetd implements its own prefix delegation algorithm (as its managed
throughout the homenet) so usual ip6assign-stuff doesn't apply here. You
can also use it with bridges but it might make more sense to use
individual ports instead to e.g. avoid unnecessary traffic on WiFi or
make proper use of the border detection (e.g. use one switch-port for a
second uplink and another for downstream or so).
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