
> It is really annoying that dev.openwrt.org frequently gives "504 Gateway
> Time-out" or "502 Bad Gateway" errors. During the last few days it seems
> that the bug tracker is unreachable half of the time.
> Typical error is just:
> 502 Bad Gateway
> nginx/1.1.19
> Is there some problem connectivity problem between the front-end and
> back-end servers?

It is a problem with python. So far we used an ordinary tracd-fcgi setup
behind an nginx frontend. Problem was that tracd instances gobbled up
memory like crazy - up to 5GB of reserved memory after a runtime of ~1
hour was not unusual. Furthermore the observed cpu consumption on the
server was 90-350% (!) for single trac processes.

Additionally trac runs into threading deadlocks after a while, resulting
in a total unavailabily of the backend, thus leading to the infamous 50x
errors. This seems to be a general thread locking issue either due to a
bug in python or in the trac codebase.

I reworked the trac-fcgi launcher now and applied a number of threading
fixes to it, so far it seems to be way more responsive and both memory
consumption and cpu load plummeted to 50MB RAM / 10% CPU per instance.

On a first glance the result seems promising and the site is way more
responsive now. I also fixed the ticket captcha mechanism so submitting
tickets erroneously flagged as spam should work properly now.


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