>On 6/8/2013 8:10 PM, Mitch Kelly wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The 703N can only supply 200mA out the USB port, Its likely this issue
>> is caused by the device using more power that can be supplied and the
>> device resetting.
>> TP-Link have a compatibility Martix for devices, It is based on Power
>> consumption, Not just drivers in stock firmware.
>> Mitch Kelly.
>I and others run an OpenWRT based project that expands the USB modem
>capabilities of the firmware to include automatic connection, full LTE
>speeds for 4G modems and other modem related features.
>We have come across this problem of disconnection shortly after
>connecting many times and it always has come down to lack of power being
>supplied to the modem. With over 7000 downloads of our firmware we have
>much experience in this area.
>The WR703N can supply, if available, up to 1.25 amps to the USB port
>according to the specs of the switch chip that they use. The stock power
>supply that comes with the WR703N is rated at 1 amp by the sticker but
>we have found this is not always the case.
>By using a better, higher rated power supply you'll see the problem
>disappear. Modems take much more power than you would think and a poor
>signal can add to the drain. An LTE modem in a low signal area can use
>up to 800ma, which is far more than the stock power supply can provide.
>The issue of disconnections is seldom caused by the router firmware but
>seems to be power supply based in almost every case.
>Ralph Deane
Thanks for your help!I do any test, use battery to power supply 3G modem and
usb is only used to communication, but the issue exist too.By the way, Why
openwrt don't support re-dial if 3G is disconnected?Thanks!
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