I would like to add a new package that enables the use of openvpn
connections as netifd interfaces.
Each openvpn instance is then treated as a virtual network interface
which simplifies the usage, especially
with firewalling, re-configuration of network interfaces (ifdown ifup
sequences) etc.
I have created a bundle with the required files (quite a lot, because of
many up- down- connect- and disconnect- scripts) here:
but would rather like to include it into the OpenWRT packages
repository. Is it possible for me to get svn write access
for that package, so I can maintain the package in the future? Who is
the one to talk to about that?

I am intensively using this package for about 3 months now and it fits
all my needs, including IPv6 over OpenVPN (using version 2.3 beta)
If anyone needs some additional features or has some improvements, I'd
love to hear about it.

Best wishes

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