
if you want integration of qmi in OpenWRT, I'm working on it in netifd
and luci. It's nearly finished.  Just some tests and core cleanup are


Am 09.01.2013 08:34, schrieb Aleksander Morgado:
> Hey,
> Now that libqmi got in OpenWRT, I would like to use ModemManager as
> well. The only missing dependency seems to be GUdev; which depends on
> libudev, which depends on udev.
> All GUdev, libudev and udev are now within the systemd sources, and all
> this collection seems not packaged for OpenWRT.
> Is there any on-going effort to package systemd in OpenWRT?
> Is there at least any effort to update udev/libudev/gudev?
> Cheers!
> P.S.: ModemManager depends heavily on udev and udev rules; I don't think
> supporting hotplug2 there would be much easier than just switching to udev.

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