* Damian Kaczkowski <damian.kaczkow...@gmail.com> [05.01.2013 15:37]:
> You can't install applets alone. Its one package "busybox" with enabled or
> disabled functionality.

ofcourse you can package an applet. dont know if the buildsystem can
do that, but it is possible. (but bound to the specific busybox-version)

e.g. http://ipkg.berlin.freifunk.net/packages/busybox-awk_1.0.1_mipsel.ipk

>   DEPENDS:=+kmod-lib-lzo +kmod-zsmalloc \
>     +!BUSYBOX_CONFIG_MKSWAP:swap-utils \
> You can manually select busybox applets when building your own image, and
> for people using prebuild images (without busybox applets enabled) opkg
> will install swap-utils instead.

ok, i'am fine with this.

another thing which we must think about: the kernel-symbol

CONFIG_SWAP=y (Support for paging of anonymous memory)

has to be active, i'm not sure of all platform have this.
can somebody check this?

bye, bastian.
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