You seem to have a very stance; is this even up for discusion or will it come 
down to a principled "over my dead body"? :)

>On 2012-04-14 9:37 PM, Jeroen van Bemmel wrote:
>> The Linux kernel version is an important configuration aspect still
>> missing from menuconfig. It should be possible to have the full config
>> in a single .config file; Makefiles are the wrong place for setting this
>> parameter.
>> I agree it would be uncommon to change this, that's why it is a
>> developer option.
>Since this is meant for developers, it really does not need to be in
>.config. Editing a makefile is easy for a developer. Adding a config
>option simply adds yet another place where the version number has to be
>maintained, without making things significantly easier.

Compiling anything is for developers. Whatever helps is a Good Thing; nobody 
expects the holy grail.

>> I think we're missing a process for updating the kernel version; can't
>> just edit the Makefile and hope all images keep working. Device profiles
>> could be a way to at least coordinate testing of a specific version for
>> a specific device. It does not set the kernel version, but the suggested
>> version for testing
>Most targets have a generic profile that works for all devices anyway.
>For people that do not follow all changes in a target it would come as a
>nasty surprise when simply switching profiles suddenly nukes the kernel
>tree and uses a different version.
>There is another annoying issue with having too many config options:
>Random users playing with developer-only options, then complaining about
>breakage later without mentioning that they changed some options that
>they had no clue about.

Talking of "developers vs clueless users" isn't helpful. Good developers 
constantly acquire new skills -- clueless before, experienced after -- and 
there's plenty of bad developers writing crappy kernel code without a config.

If you mean those "time-consuming, hopeless, lazy, RTFD-immune, wannabe 
developers", I suggest adding a Trac entry like for any other problem requiring 
a solution, starting with a detailed rational (unemotional) description. Maybe 
a mandatory web form that generates a sanity report before considering 
complaints would filter out most of this human-to-human spam.

>We've seen this with compiler options, libc
>options, deselecting packages, etc. I really don't want to add kernel
>versions to the mix, especially with so little potential gain from
>adding something like this.

I agree that just throwing in more options is bad, but so is obscuring parts of 
the build, reserved to an elite developer caste.

-- p
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