> No, it does not yet, but it may not look for them yet either - after 
> all there is nothing in the code for Picos until now.

It is supposed to find them, even if there is no entry in the hardware
table - so something is broken on this particular model.

Would it be possible for you to seen me a copy of the boardconfig
partition? (Lookup the mtd index in /proc/mtd and dump it with dd
if=/dev/mtdblockX of=/tmp/boardconfig.bin)

> There is also no specific image for the Pico M created - just for
> Nano M, Rocket M and Bullet M. There is also no image for the Loco M
> created, although it would be worthwhile, as it has a different
> maximum power (23dBm) compared to the Nano M (28dBm), and it has only
> one Ethernet jack (eth0),as opposed to the Nano M, which has two
> (eth0 and eth1 work), but for the Nano M the default configuration in
> OpenWrt does not even define eth1 from the start. Something that
> could be fixed?

It is probably worth fixing but outside of the scope here.

~ Jow
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