
stargr...@stargrave.org wrote:
> ----- User Michael Geddes on 2011-10-30 12:29:57 wrote:
> >I've now pushed all my changes to OpenWRT up to GitHub that I've 
> >over a few years.
> >[skip]
> >* Some tentative changes for 64bit pc - abandoned, but the imputus for 
> >up the changes.
> That item is very interesting. I just tried to built-up 64bit OpenWRT
> from your branch. Unfortunately unsuccessfully. Can you please describe
> how 64bit x86 target can be built up? What options have I choose in
> "make menuconfig"? I checked 64bit subtarget, Kontron target profile and
> it fails to compile uClibc. I tried to use "glibc" instead, but it fails
> to compile during "./configure" stage. I will very appreciate your help!
The x86 build of Kontron compiles.. as I said, the 64bit endeavour was 
abandoned.  A couple of years ago it compiled, but didn't really work. The 
reason it's still there is because I thought it might be useful for somebody 
to continue what I started, and because it was requested on #openwrt :)

glibc is probably your better option, but again, I don't really know, and 
don't really feel like compiling it now- I've got too many other projects that 
need work.

> -- 
> Happy hacking, Sergey Matveev  .
> Use plain text e-mail, please ..:
Ah. Sorry about that.

Btw, you'll need to CC me if you want a quicker reply, I don't receive mails 
anymore from the mailing list. (deliberately)

//.ichael G
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