Iwan Budi Kusnanto wrote:
Spudz76 wrote:
Not sure why it is such a pain, but I've had similar problems and
rebooting between steps (which logically should not be required) is the

Hi, thanks for all of the responses. My platform is avila gateworks.
I just repeat the installation process.
followed by :
#opkg update
#opkg install luci-web
#opkg install luci-admin-mini
Then, the web interface shown up. Don't know why.
I will reinstall OpenWrt again to see if the problems reappear.

I reinstalled openwrt with same process, everything goes fine.
There is one difference condition with previous failed web interface installation. The success one use repository from my local network. The failed one use repository from openwrt site. When using openwrt site repository, i must repeat 'opkg install' several times, because the download process failed, i think this is because my connection is damn slow.



Iwan Budi Kusnanto
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