----------------------- FORWARDED --------------------------------
From: Albert ARIBAUD <albert.arib...@free.fr>

Simon Guinot a écrit :

> If you encounter issues with the EDminiV2 Linux support, some people here
> (including me) will be glad to help you.


>>> There's also the USB slave device, but I'd rather pass on that.
> Yes, I understand.
> Marvell don't have released (yet) a mainline driver for the Orion
> USB controller (device mode). As far I know, this driver can only be
> found in the "commercial" Marvell Linux patch (dual license: GPL v2 and
> Marvell Commercial License).

Hmm... AFAIU, the GPL tarbal for ED Mini V2 is provided by LaCie under 
GPL... But it is unsuitable for mainline submission as it is (and I 
certainly don't have time for trying to refactor it into acceptable shape).

> The status for this driver is not clear for me but probably no one is
> interested in a such feature...

Well *I* am... :)

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