On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:50:05 +0000, Peter Davis via Openvpn-users
<openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

>>I installed shellcheck and result is:
>># shellcheck script-events.sh
>>In script-events.sh line 14:
>>if [[ "$script_type" == "client-connect" ]]; then
>>       ^----------^ SC2154 (warning): script_type is referenced but not 
>> assigned.
>>In script-events.sh line 15:
>>    echo "$LOG_TIMESTAMP - $common_name connected with IP $trusted_ip" >> 
>> "$LOG_FILE"
>>                           ^----------^ SC2154 (warning): common_name is 
>> referenced but not assigned.
>>                                                          ^---------^ SC2154 
>> (warning): trusted_ip is referenced but not assigned.
>>For more information:
>>  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2154 -- common_name is referenced but 
>> not...

>Thanks again.
>But my problem is that the script doesn't work at all. How do I find the cause?

I cannot help more in debugging your environment, but I suggest that you test
the script itself *without* involving openvpn in the testing.

This can be done by creating a test script which will call the logging script
like openvpn does and send the data as env vars like openvpn does in order to
test the functions that way.

I have done trhis test now with my script and it works just fine:

Test script testlogging:
export script_type="client-connect"
export common_name="CommonName"
export trusted_ip=""
exit 0

Script server-events.sh:
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# Log in  local dir for testing
# Log timestamp
LOG_TIME=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Log client connect or disconnect event with IP address
if [ "$script_type" == "client-connect" ]; then
    echo "$LOG_TIME - $common_name connect IP $trusted_ip" >> "$LOG_FILE"
elif [ "$script_type" == "client-disconnect" ]; then
    echo "$LOG_TIME - $common_name disconnect IP $trusted_ip" >> "$LOG_FILE"
exit 0

Place the scripts in the same test dir and execute ./testlogging
Then there should be a logfile created in the same dir with the wanted data.

If that is the case then the logging script works as it should and you have to
look elsewhere for a reason for failure in your environment.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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