
On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 01:32:19PM +0000, Jason Long wrote:
> 1- If the port number is different, then "server" IP can be the same? For 
> example, the first server use:

No.  That is inside IPs (and something else again), they must be distinct.

> 2- You said, "A "NIC" can have multiple IP addresses", so, a server does not 
> need to have multiple NAT NICs ? For example, A VPN provider can have a VPN 
> server with a NIC that use three or four public IP addresses.


There's some practical limits - like, some OSes start getting funny when
you exceed something like 500 IP addresses on one interface - but besides
that it's just a matter of setting up routing/interface config properly.


"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             g...@greenie.muc.de

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