On 21/07/20 11:23 pm, Jan Just Keijser wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> On 19/07/20 12:04, Richard Hector wrote:

>> That's what I couldn't manage - a p2p network (no client or server)
>> using certificates. In the end I concluded it couldn't be done, but I'm
>> happy to be corrected.
> this can be achieved using the following configs:
> ## server ##
> tls-server
> proto udp
> port 1194
> dev tun
> ifconfig
> dh       dh2048.pem
> tls-auth ta.key 0
> ca       ca.crt
> cert     server.crt
> key      server.key
> keepalive 10 60
> cipher aes-256-gcm
> auth   sha256
> ##
> ## client ##
> tls-client
> proto udp
> remote <remote server>
> port 1194
> dev tun
> nobind   #or use rport XXXX
> ifconfig
> remote-cert-tls server
> tls-auth ta.key 1
> ca       ca.crt
> cert     client1.crt
> key      client1.key
> cipher aes-256-gcm
> auth   sha256
> ##

That doesn't achieve the goal of "no client or server", since there are
2 distinct config files.

> a few notes:
> - even in PSK p2p mode one of the sides is more server-like (I tend to
> call it the listener) and the other side is the client (the one
> initiating the connection).

In p2p psk mode, I can have files that only differ in address, port and
device numbers/names - they're symmetrical. And it works, barring the
startup with systemd.

> So even with certificates you always have one end being the "tls-server"
> (i.e. waiting for an incoming connection) and one end the "tls-client"
> (the one initating the connection).

'With certificates', yes. 'Even with certificates' implies that it isn't
possible without either, which it seems to be.

> - in this mode, NCP is disabled and hence you would not get GCM
> encrpytion - thus you need to specify it explicitly.

I wasn't familiar with either of those. It seems NCP isn't needed
because I'm configuring both sides explicitly. Is GCM something I need?

> I have not tested whether things like persist-tun or persist-key work,
> but I don't see any reason why they should not.


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