Hi Dmitry,

On 09/04/14 12:42, Dmitry Melekhov wrote:
> Hello!
> May be this is faq, but I can't find any info which explains what I need
> to do in step-by-step manner what I need to do in case of CA expiration.
> I generated CA about 8.5 years ago for 10 years (default value), so I'll
> face CA expiration soon enough.
> I have ca.key and ca.crt, as I understand I can create new crt by the
> same key for next 10 years, but what I need to do with existing
> certificates.
> As you can see I run openvpn for 8 years but still know nothing about
> certificates :-(
> Could you point me to instructions or explain me what to do? :-)
if your CA expires then you will need to reissue all certificates. 
Certificates are signed using the current CA key + certificate and even 
if you renew the CA cert the old client+server certs will still be 
signed using the **old** CA cert.




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