09.04.2014 17:55, Timothe Litt пишет:
>> Yes, thank you, this is good theoretical explanation.
>> All I need now are practical examples :-)
>> I understand that can be like reading mans for me for far more
>> expirienced... :-( Hope somebody already implemented this and can 
>> share...
> That *was* practical; 
well, I asked for examples :-) , practical _examples_.

> who use fancy commercial software that is integrated with other 
> systems. (LDAP
my openvpn  setup is integrated with corporate ldap for authentication 
purposes, but I don't see any relations between ldap and certificates, 
even if one  decided to store them in directory...

> easyrsa seems to be a very simple wrapper around openssl. 

yes, sure, but it is recommended in most openvpn howtos , even now :-)

> Since you'll document your experience, perhaps YOU can contribute 
> instructions for the next person !

Thank you for pointing to right direction, but ,yes, looks like I have 
to walk this way myself, because , as I understand now, there is no 
ready to use recipe ,which, btw, looks strange for me, because this  
should be very usual task, so I assumed it is supported by easyrsa.. , 
sigh... :-)

Good thing is that I finally have an opportunity to learn something 
about openssl :-)

Thank you!

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