Antonio Quartulli <> 于2021年3月31日周三 下午3:32写道:

> Hi,
> On 31/03/2021 09:29, Tony He wrote:
> > Hi Arne,
> >
> > I'm going to test encryption "none" to narrow down this issue, but I
> > found your dco branch doesn't support this.
> > Can you support?
> For the sake of this test, could you use the ovpn-cli.c tool in the
> ovpn-dco/tests folder? Or that's not an option?
Because of cross-compilation,  I need to put ovpn-cli.c into the buildroot.
This needs some work.
But Arne's openvpn dco branch is already in. Anyway, I will have a try.

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