Am 24.08.20 um 09:59 schrieb Eric Thorpe:
> Hi Arne,
> The main scenario this addresses is 2FA authentication which needs to
> transmit very long responses such as those requiring keys. In these
> cases, the responses can be upwards of 1500 bytes. Management is
> restricted (currently) to 256 bytes and the control channel I believe to
> 1024, however the larger problem is low MTU connections or poorly
> configured connection with fragmentation problems would refuse to
> transmit packets of this size over the control channel, so we need the
> ability to break these up.
> At the moment I'm experimenting with the following layout which has
> shown success:
> client-auth-pending <CID> CR_TEXT:R,C:2
> client-auth-pending-extra <CID> CR_TEXT:CN,1:<data>
> client-auth-pending-extra <CID> CR_TEXT:CN,2:<data>
> Where flag C=Chunked data and 2 is the number of chunks to expect. Then
> CN,<chunk number>:<data>.
> The other issue this addresses is there are scenario where more than one
> challenge reply is required. A simple example of this is resident key
> registration, where the username is pulled from the clients certificate,
> a password is queried, then attestation is queried, and then
> authentication is queried.

Depends on if these should asked sequentially, the  you just send
another CR_TEXT challenge after the first is answer or in parallel.

> client-auth-pending-extra is a bit of a catch-all addition where it
> effectively opens up the client-auth-pending spec to allow the control
> channel to be used without having to constantly drop the connection like
> the current AUTH_DENY method pre-2.5, but without spamming the user with
> AUTH_PENDING notifications, and allows a connected management script to
> handle it without adding further complexity internally to OpenVPN.

CR_TEXT is challenge response text and those clients that currently
implement it only allow a single line. I would suggest the following to
get the patch in a acceptable state:

- Document your authentication method also in management.txt and also
what IV_SSO flag indicates this authentication method.

- to avoid the 256 byte management limit and multiple commands use maybe
the same approach as client-auth that allows a longer frame, you can
still limit that to 1024.

Otherwise I think this the right direction.


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