On 14/11/2019 20:40, selva.n...@gmail.com wrote:
> From: Selva Nair <selva.n...@gmail.com>
> Some compilers (e.g., clang) only issue a warning for
> unsupported options unless additional flags such
> as -Werror are used to convert the warning to an error.
> Add support for extra flags in ACL_CHECK_ADD_COMPILE_FLAGS.
> Note: a similar approach is used in AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG
> in autoconf archives.

I'm glad I didn't spend more time on thinking about this earlier today, as you
have almost the same ideas as I had :)

> +# Usage: ACL_CHECK_ADD_COMPILE_FLAGS(flag, [extra-flags])
> +# Some compilers require extra flags to trigger an error on
> +# unsupported options. E.g., clang requires -Werror.
>      old_cflags="$CFLAGS"
> -    CFLAGS="$1 $CFLAGS"
> -    AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler acceppts $1])
> +    CFLAGS="$2 $1 $CFLAGS"
> +    AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler accepts $1])
> CFLAGS="$1 $old_cflags",

My idea was just to add -Werror right in the line above, and not extend the
ACL_CHECK_ADD_COMPILE_FLAGS macro with another argument.

But I stopped when I realized that GCC has some quirks as well, as I needed to
ponder about this a bit.

Clang is fairly consistent:

* first with an unknown -Wno-* argument

$ clang-6.0 -o test test.c -Wall -Wno-non-existing-flag
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-non-existing-flag'; did you mean
      '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]

$ clang-6.0 -o test test.c -Wall -Wno-non-existing-flag  -Werror
error: unknown warning option '-Wno-non-existing-flag'; did you mean
      '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor'? [-Werror,-Wunknown-warning-option]

* then with an unknown -W* argument (without the no- prefix)

$ clang-6.0 -o test test.c -Wall -Wnon-existing-flag
warning: unknown warning option '-Wnon-existing-flag'; did you mean
      '-Wnon-virtual-dtor'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]

$ clang-6.0 -o test test.c -Wall -Wnon-existing-flag  -Werror
error: unknown warning option '-Wnon-existing-flag'; did you mean
      '-Wnon-virtual-dtor'? [-Werror,-Wunknown-warning-option]

This is consistent and I can live with this behavior, using -Werror to bail
out on warnings.

So lets running the same tests with GCC:

* first with an unknown -Wno-* argument

$ gcc -o test test.c -Wall -Wno-non-existing-flag
(no error nor warning)

$ gcc -o test test.c -Wall -Wno-non-existing-flag -Werror
(no error nor warning)

* then with an unknown -W* argument (without the no- prefix)

$ gcc -o test test.c -Wall -Wnon-existing-flag
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-Wnon-existing-flag’

I think you said it pretty well in your mail:

> Darn compilers and darn -Werror

So your change does improve Clang ... I dunno what we will do with GCC.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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