Hi all,

Here are completely untested OpenVPN 2.4.7 installers which I wanted to
get out for testing a.s.a.p.:


As the name implies, there is a different version for Windows 7 (plus
8/8.1/Server 2012r2) and for Windows 10 (all versions). This is
necessary due to code signatures in the tap-windows6 driver.

The above installers bundle the following components:

- tap-windows6 9.23.2 (many improvements incl. arm64 support)
- openvpn-gui 11 (latest from Git master)
- openvpnserv2 (latest from Git master)

If you want to just test the tap-windows6 installers they're here:


The latter installer _might_ work on Windows 10-based ARM64 devices, but
that has not been tested at all.

I will run my pre-release tests as soon as I can, but probably not
today. Any help in testing these would be most welcome!

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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