Hello all,

I've been looking at https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/880 for a
while now, and was wondering if there'd been any answers to this problem
yet. It appears that mbedtls (according to krzee the problem disappeared
when using OpenSSL, but since I use OpenVPN-NL that's not an option for me)
refuses to answer a PUSH request for a connection it considers to already
exist. As a result, a reconnect (e.g. after a client reboot) will stall
until the reconnect timer exceeds the server's time-out, after which the
server closes the connection, and accepts the following reconnect attempt.
Reconnect from a 2.3.9 client is stalled indefinitely, since the re-connect
seems fixed at 2 seconds.

Using nobind will also solve the issue, since the server will see it as a
new connection, but I'm not sure nobind is a proper solution for everyone.

Any thoughts on this matter? Is it true that this only happens with
mbedtls, and as such should this issue be taken up with that community in
stead of this one? Any idea on why the server would refuse a PUSH request
for an already existing connection?

Kind regards,

Pieter Hulshoff
Openvpn-devel mailing list

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