On 02/01/2019 18:46, Gert Doering wrote:

On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 04:37:33PM +0000, Simon Rozman wrote:
Even though there are errors reported the VPN still works for both
IPv4 and 6 with both versions of the binary.

Probably a patch between 2.4.6 from 26/Apr/2018 and 2.4.6-m4 from 1/Jan/2019 
introduced an error-level check after the netsh.exe interface ipv6 add route 

Not that I'm aware of (re-read "git log release/2.4" to be sure).   We added
"turn on dhcp via iservice" support, but that's not "add route".

So it's likely something else.  Need to look at the details in the log
(what is pushed, how is netsh called, what is failing?).

Sorry, this was probably my own fault ..

My best guess is this may have been something to do with me
saving/restoring the VM.

I re-installed your m4 and then tried with my git_master and cannot
reproduce the route failures.  Tried a few re-installs etc ..

While testing different installs I found that the installer failed to
uninstall the openvpn Legacy service once, but I tried so many different
combinations of uninstall/new install vs install over a running process
that one small glitch, which err'd out correctly with user press cancel,
that I don't think it is worth worrying about.
(I was trying to break it deliberately)

Overall, the 32b installer from .exe seems to work well.

Sorry about the VM thing :-)

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