
> However, there appears to be a problem ..
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Ih2LYl0cR8YoKnI2lNwhcQ
> Part 1 is the client log *with* errors using the binary from your
> installer 2.4.6-m4 dated 1/Jan/2019

The 2.4.6-m4 version is based on the current release/2.4 
<https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn/commits/release/2.4> branch (with my 
MSI-specific patches applied). You should consider the 2.4.6-m4 more like a 
2.4.7-alpha than a 2.4.6.

> Part 2 is the routing before and after part 1
> Part 3 is the client log *without* errors using the binary from
> the official installer 2.4.6 dated 26/Apr/2018
> Both logs are for the same config file on the same machine
> Windows 7 32bit VM -- Fully upto date with MS.
> Even though there are errors reported the VPN still works for both
> IPv4 and 6 with both versions of the binary.

Probably a patch between 2.4.6 from 26/Apr/2018 and 2.4.6-m4 from 1/Jan/2019 
introduced an error-level check after the netsh.exe interface ipv6 add route 

Take this as a bonus: you are testing MSI setup and the 2.4.7 prerelease at the 
same time. :)

I am thinking of rebasing the 2.4.6-mX on the original 2.4.6 release from 
26/Apr/2018 to avoid confusion. Maybe package an even older release to allow 
MSI with MSI update testing.


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