On 05/04/17 18:13, Arne Schwabe wrote:
>>> Where RAND indicates that the first-run timer should run from a random
>>> integer from 1 upto the value of --reneg-sec.  RAND does not require a
>>> user to specify an amount.
>> But then, why not just do it always and forget about the additional option?

I actually agree, why not simply enable RAND as above *always*

> Optional option does not mean that it is disabled by default. If you
> don't the randomness you would need to do:
> reneg-sec 3600 3600
> the optional argument also allows it to fine tune it to your needs.

As the reason for --reneg-sec is to specify how long a key should exist,
I don't see any further need to make the "random window" be specifically
configurable .. The reneg-sec period will remain as specified (def 3600)
except for the first run, where --reneg-sec is started from a random 
time between now and then.  There after returning to "normal" with full 
randomisation of all connected clients --reneg-sec being spread over the 
*entire* period of --reneg-sec nn and not some unnecessary window.


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