> On 05/04/17 17:13, debbie10t wrote:
>> On 05/04/17 16:58, David Sommerseth wrote:
>>> On 05/04/17 17:53, David Sommerseth wrote:
>>>> On 05/04/17 16:42, debbie10t wrote:
>>>>> A different approach could be like so:
>>>>> --reneg-sec 3600
>>>>> --reneg-sec-1sttime-rand 1|0 (The name here for detail)
>>> Oh, and in regards to the first-time/non-first-time .... if we decide
>>> for such flexibility, that can be a flag after the randomness.
>>> For example  --reneg-sec 3600 12 first-only
>>> I am far from convinced if that should be configurable or not.  But
>>> still, this approach is still far better than introducing new options.
>> Ok - accept that new options is not preferred but ..
>> I like the idea of "first-only" addition (which is more or less as I
>> proposed anyway) - And so, instead of having randomness in the reneg-sec
>> itself, it is only randomness in the first run, after that the expected
>> behaviour would be restored.  eg: --reneg-sec 3600
>> To my mind (as a non programmer) this essentially boils down to
>> setting the first --reneg-sec timer to something between 1 and
>> 3600 (default). This affords a much larger window for the scattering
>> of clients and further behaviour is "as expected now".
>> and it looks very non-instrusive to me ..
> To clarify:  --reneg-sec 3600 RAND
> Where RAND indicates that the first-run timer should run from a random
> integer from 1 upto the value of --reneg-sec.  RAND does not require a
> user to specify an amount.

But then, why not just do it always and forget about the additional option?


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