
On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 02:15:06PM +0200, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
> It was not a typo. I actually did not know about "git send-email" until 
> now. I've used "git-send-email" which on Debian/Ubuntu resides in 
> /usr/lib/git-core. Are these the same thing?

Sort of.  When you run "git foo", git will (if it's not a built-in) go
out and look for a program "git-foo" in your PATH, or it seems in its

The "ACK and mail" script David and I use is called "git-ack-am", I
put it in $HOME/bin/git-ack-am, and then I can do "git ack-am ..."
on patches...

> Anyways, let's use "git send-email" in the PR template if that one is 
> readily available on all Git installations.

That's the official one.  The other one is what you call under the hood,
and the fact that it's not in "bin/" tells stories :-)

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