On 31/01/2017 15:49, David Sommerseth wrote:
> On 30/01/17 13:34, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
>> I agree with you on keeping the pull request template minimal and having
>> the more fine-grained information in Trac.
>> ACK.
> Don't get me wrong!  I agree we should keep the template minimal.  But I
> yet have to see a developer full of enthusiasm with a fix ready, who
> just clicked "Send pull request!" who will actually instantly go reading
> further.  And especially when the information need is fairly
> comprehensive and not even directly in the first URL being listed.
> In fact the first place where the patch process is described is here:
> <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/DeveloperDocumentation#Communitypatchesandtheacceptanceprocessofthesepatches>.
>  That is "hidden" in the middle of the wiki on the second URL.  And the
> first URL provides just a link to the same DeveloperDocumentation wiki page.
> So I kindly ask you to reconsider the text more carefully once more.
> From my experience, to get the best success, provide the most critical
> and as accurate information as quickly as possible.  Once things are
> behind one URL you need to visit, many ignores it.  If you need to read
> through more text on that URL, even more will fall off.  But provide
> links to the more verbose documentation, as some will read it if the
> first 2-3 sentences sounds intriguing and the contributor have time to
> be curious.
> Most developers are lazy beasts ... they just want their patches out
> ASAP, and documentation are too easily ignored.

Well, I asked if anyone had any comments regarding the PR template text, 
and nobody did. Except when it was ACKed, of course :).

I think we need to lure GitHub people into sending patches to the 
mailing list. If we describe the full process in the pull request 
template, many will just say "meh, too difficult". Once they've sent 
their patch to the list they're quite far already, and are unlikely to 
quit if we ask them to make minor changes.

So what about this:


# Thank you for your contribution

You are welcome to open PR, but they are used for discussion only. All
patches must eventually go to the openvpn-devel mailing list for review:

* https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openvpn-devel

Please send your patch using 
[git-send-email](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email). For example 
to send your latest commit to the list:

     $ git-send-email --to=openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net HEAD~1

For details, see these Wiki articles:

* https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Contributing
* https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/DeveloperDocumentation


Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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