On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 07:00:13PM +0300, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
> Hi,
> In Delft we talked about issues with Windows version of OpenVPN quite a 
> lot. Of the top of my hat I can recall the following isuses:
> - The tap-windows/tap-windows6 drivers have fairly bad performance
> - In Windows 10 there are DNS leaks
> - The service wrapper (openvpnserv.exe) is effectively broken for 
> Windows 8 and later
> - The service wrapper has very limited functionality
> - The OpenVPN-GUI we bundle has several major issues, most related to 
> having to run it as an admin

Please add this to the list of missing features:

- Windows OpenVPN-GUI needs to be able to read config files from under user's 
profile directory, not only from the system-wide c:\program 
files\openvpn\config\ directory.


-- Pasi

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