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On 26/04/10 21:11, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> On 04/26/2010 11:53:19 AM, Peter Stuge wrote:
>> Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> IMO people who don't rely on their distro for systems integration
> and security patches are asking for trouble.  There are of course
> always reasons to make specific exceptions, RH comes to mind. :)
> Is OpenVPN in RHEL6?)

Yes, I'm pretty sure it is.  RHEL5 even shipped OpenVPN 2.1_rc15 for a
long time as a stable release until OpenVPN released 2.1.1.  In
RHEL5.4/CentOS5.4, I'm pretty sure 2.1.1 is standard by now.

Those releases are also pretty much in sync with the upstream OpenVPN
release.  No extra security fixes which is not in OpenVPN - as it should
be, IMHO.  From what I've seen in the Fedora builds, it's mostly
distro-specific adjustments added on top of the OpenVPN 2.1.1 tarball.

But I agree that using a distro-based installation, gives you the
upgrades in a very convenient way.  Automatically - and you get a
reminder regularly.

>>> and it now talking about doing the same for OS/X binaries.
>> Recently discussed work for contrib/ produces a .dmg, very much a
>> package in my view.
> Ok.  I don't know much about .dmg.  I thought they were basically
> tarballs by another name in that they just stick stuff somewhere.
> My Mac usage is sporadic, sorry.
>>> There's clear utility.
>> I guess it depends. I'm not sure that I agree that compilation is a
>> much bigger bother than (cross-)compiling the NSIS installer..
> On Debian all I had to do was "aptitude install nsis" and then
> run it to make MS Windows installers.  Plug and play, no 
> compiling necessary.

Just a little nitpick, when you run makensis, that's actually
compilation of the installer - even when you're doing it on Linux.  You
get a Windows binary as the result.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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