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On 26/04/10 16:47, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> On 04/26/2010 03:42:37 AM, Arnoud Vermeer wrote:
>> Hi Toby,
>> I for one appreciate your effort and would love to see this in the
>> standard
>> release process.
> Speaking of the standard release process there is still this thread:
> Re: [Openvpn-devel] Unpackged Windows binaries? -- Problems building 
> 2.1 rc15 on Windows XP
> and its patch for releasing unpackaged MS Windows binaries;
> quite similar to what you're proposing for OS/X.  There has been
> no response from this list regarding this for quite some
> time despite repeated requests, unless I missed something
> somewhere along the line.

Hi Karl,

Thanks for pushing this.  I am honestly not quite sure were we stand
with that patch.  And since I understand the Windows building least of
all, I've refrained from going into details of this one so far.  It has
not been my intention of ignoring this patch.  I'm primarily focusing on
the platforms I happen to understand better, and hope others will chime
in on the other issues.

But as responses are missing, I'll try to find some time in the near
future (this week is crazily hectic for me) - to see if I can understand
what your patch solves.  That is a little bit unclear to me, as the
patch I'm looking at seems to just make a tarball with compiled binaries
... Right now, I do not immediately see what problem that solves.  But
I'm pretty sure I'm overlooking something!

Btw, you mentioned in some of the threads that you would look at some of
the docs for this as well.  I remember vaguely something about another
set of patches for HTML files - which I can't say I've seen in the
source tree.  That would be good to get into the tree together with this
patch when I've looked at it a bit better.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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