Hi David,
It doesn't make a difference at the moment (since the patch came from
feat_ipv6_payload in the first place), but what's the general wish for
the future? What to rebase on?
To be very honest, I'm very uncertain about what's best. Because it
will a lot of changes in multiple branches. But as I'm able now to keep
the bugfix2.1 branch pretty clean with only bugfixes, I begin to lean
towards that you should consider to rebase on that branch.
Could you please have a look at git://git.birkenwald.de/openvpn.git
test-rebase branch? The history of gert-ipv6 was starting to look a bit
weird (duplicate commits with the same content), to I rebased it on your
bugfix2.1 branch (and dropped the duplicate commits in the process). No
difference in the content whatsoever and the history looks much better,
but I'm not exactly sure whether this is the right thing to do.