Dear developers, I'm currently installing and testing OpenVPN 2.1 on windows environment and have seen that there's a newer version rc16.
Since this version I cannot use the parameter: --cryptoapicert "Thumb:xx xx xx xx xx" Error message: cannot load certificate "Thumb:xx xx xx xx .... " from Microsoft Certificate Store: error:C506C064:microsoft cryptoapi:GetProcAddress:The specified procedure could not be found. This behaviour is the same on server or client sides. With rc15 this worked well. Maybe this is a small bug. So I want to report this issue to you. Would it be fixed in rc17? Thanks in Adanvce, Markus -- Nur bis 31.05.: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit DSL 6.000 Flatrate und Telefonanschluss nur 17,95 Euro/mtl.!*