Am Saturday 04 June 2005 12:28 schrieb Pawel Pokrywka:
> Hello,
> Google organizes contest, see:

> In particular, there is one missing feature - and no one is intereseted
> in doing it - Windows 9x/ME support in TAP-win32. Programming for old
> Windows is not so nice, but maybe $4500 stipend would make it nicer? :-)
> I wonder why this feature is not included in wishlists - there are many
> requests for it in mailing list archives. It's not true, that this OS
> died. Sadly, it lives, especially in enviroments, when XP couldn't be
> installed because hardware is so low-end.

if I didn't have to write my thesis this summer, I'd love to participate.

IMHO, TAP Support for Win95/98/Me isn't one of the features openvpn needs the 
most. These OS aren't supported by MS any more. For me this means, that they 
are insecure. And why should I permit insecure clients to connect a VPN?

I think, a real tun driver for Windows is a killer feature. This would make 
large heterogenous VPN setups much easier, because you could provide your 
clients a layer-3 VPN without "losing" 2 addresses per client.

just my 2 euro-cents

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