Running OpenVAS 9 on Centos 7.5.  I installed OpenVAS a while back via the 
RPMs.  Now I would like to migrate the DB to Postgresql.  

Installed postgresql server and then ran openvas-migrate-to-postgres.  When it 
ran it complained that the role ROOT did not exist so I created that role with 
superuser power.  Ran it a second time this time it complained that the DB 
tasks did not exist so I created that.  Third time it ran to finish with no 

Now that it has run I still do not believe I am using the postgresql db.  So I 
did some more googling and found that openvasmd can take the —database= option. 
 So I passed it the path that postgresql reports when you run a ps on it.  The 
openvasmd.log complains about sqlite not being found.  So clearly that does not 

Either I am not doing it correctly or maybe the stock RPMs were not compiled to 
support postgresql???

After even more research I found this:

Anyone have any clue?


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