On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:28 PM, John Griffith

> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:26 PM, David Mortman <launch...@mortman.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Anne Gentle <a...@openstack.org> wrote
>>> I think more than one ombudsperson may be needed to assure coverage and
>>> avoid anyone being reluctant to report, but I'm not familiar with how
>>> ombuds work in general. I do know that I wouldn't ever report something to
>>> a nameless phone number or generic email address, so I'd like there to be
>>> some identity in place, whether it's "any staff member of the Foundation"
>>> or "staff at the conference identified by a badge or shirt" or some sort of
>>> spread-out reporting mechanism. Offering training, even just an hour for
>>> role play, for those identified people would be helpful as well.
>>  Agreed. There should be at least a small group, especially for events,
>> so that one person doesn't get hammered but also so there's a committee to
>> make judgement calls etc. Love the idea of some training too.
> Not to be politically incorrect, or to seem insensitive etc, but is it
> possible that maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here?  A
> comittee, training etc?

Hi John,

I tried to find a quote of me saying "where there's no smoke let's not call
fire", because that's how I've felt about the OpenStack community so far.
:) Now I'll say strongly that the time has come to encourage inclusion. A
policy will help and follows the lead of other communities like us.

> Personally I think it's unfortunate that people can't just be respectful,
> courteous and professional (aka excellent), and that the actions of some
> dorks at a previous organizations events have lead to a a lot of time and
> effort here regarding what we should do here.
This isn't about other events, this is about OpenStack doing what is needed
to attract the best diverse group we can.

> Anyway, not criticizing and I by no means wan to appear as though I'm not
> respectful of the ideas here, just noticing this seems like it could become
> a bit of a beast in and of itself.

I agree - let's be mindful of overstretching. I just think it's time to get
a policy in place.

Thanks John -- that you can write your concerns and I can respond safely
means we are approaching this with a healthy attitude. It's our policy,
let's write it how we mean it.

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