Bump the last time

Hi all,
As we keep adding more info to the migration guideline [1], you might like
to take a look again.
And do hope it will make things easier for you. If not, please find me in
irc or mail.

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Heat-StoryBoard-Migration-Info

2018-05-10 18:42 GMT+08:00 Rico Lin <rico.lin.gua...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> As we keep adding more info to the migration guideline [1], you might like
> to take a look again.
> And do hope it will make things easier for you. If not, please find me in
> irc or mail.
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Heat-StoryBoard-Migration-Info
> Here's the quick hint for you, your bug id is exactly your story id.
> 2018-05-07 18:27 GMT+08:00 Rico Lin <rico.lin.gua...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> I updated more information to this guideline in [1].
>> Please must take a view on [1] to see what's been updated.
>> will likely to keep update on that etherpad if new Q&A or issue found.
>> Will keep trying to make this process as painless for you as possible,
>> so please endure with us for now, and sorry for any inconvenience
>> *[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Heat-StoryBoard-Migration-Info
>> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Heat-StoryBoard-Migration-Info>*
>> 2018-05-05 12:15 GMT+08:00 Rico Lin <rico.lin.gua...@gmail.com>:
>>> looping heat-dashboard team
>>> 2018-05-05 12:02 GMT+08:00 Rico Lin <rico.lin.gua...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Dear all Heat members and friends
>>>> As you might award, OpenStack projects are scheduled to migrating ([5])
>>>> from Launchpad to StoryBoard [1].
>>>> For whom who like to know where to file a bug/blueprint, here are some
>>>> heads up for you.
>>>> *What's StoryBoard?*
>>>> StoryBoard is a cross-project task-tracker, contains numbers of
>>>> ``project``, each project contains numbers of ``story`` which you can think
>>>> it as an issue or blueprint. Within each story, contains one or multiple
>>>> ``task`` (task separate stories into the tasks to resolve/implement). To
>>>> learn more about StoryBoard or how to make a good story, you can reference
>>>> [6].
>>>> *How to file a bug?*
>>>> This is actually simple, use your current ubuntu-one id to access to
>>>> storyboard. Then find the corresponding project in [2] and create a story
>>>> to it with a description of your issue. We should try to create tasks which
>>>> to reference with patches in Gerrit.
>>>> *How to work on a spec (blueprint)?*
>>>> File a story like you used to file a Blueprint. Create tasks for your
>>>> plan. Also you might want to create a task for adding spec( in heat-spec
>>>> repo) if your blueprint needs documents to explain.
>>>> I still leave current blueprint page open, so if you like to create a
>>>> story from BP, you can still get information. Right now we will start work
>>>> as task-driven workflow, so BPs should act no big difference with a bug in
>>>> StoryBoard (which is a story with many tasks).
>>>> *Where should I put my story?*
>>>> We migrate all heat sub-projects to StoryBoard to try to keep the
>>>> impact to whatever you're doing as small as possible. However, if you plan
>>>> to create a new story, *please create it under heat project [4]* and
>>>> tag it with what it might affect with (like python-heatclint,
>>>> heat-dashboard, heat-agents). We do hope to let users focus their stories
>>>> in one place so all stories will get better attention and project
>>>> maintainers don't need to go around separate places to find it.
>>>> *How to connect from Gerrit to StoryBoard?*
>>>> We usually use following key to reference Launchpad
>>>> Closes-Bug: #######
>>>> Partial-Bug: #######
>>>> Related-Bug: #######
>>>> Now in StoryBoard, you can use following key.
>>>> Task: ######
>>>> Story: ######
>>>> you can find more info in [3].
>>>> *What I need to do for my exists bug/bps?*
>>>> Your bug is automatically migrated to StoryBoard, however, the
>>>> reference in your patches ware not, so you need to change your commit
>>>> message to replace the old link to launchpad to new links to StoryBoard.
>>>> *Do we still need Launchpad after all this migration are done?*
>>>> As the plan, we won't need Launchpad for heat anymore once we have done
>>>> with migrating. Will forbid new bugs/bps filed in Launchpad. Also, try to
>>>> provide new information as many as possible. Hopefully, we can make
>>>> everyone happy. For those newly created bugs during/after migration, don't
>>>> worry we will disallow further create new bugs/bps and do a second migrate
>>>> so we won't missed yours.
>>>> [1] https://storyboard.openstack.org/
>>>> [2] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/82
>>>> [3] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#
>>>> development-workflow
>>>> [4] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/989
>>>> [5] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/storyboard/migration.html
>>>> [6] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/storyboard/gui/tasks_st
>>>> ories_tags.html#what-is-a-story
>>>> --
>>>> May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
>>>> *Rico Lin*irc: ricolin
>>> --
>>> May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
>>> *Rico Lin*irc: ricolin
>> --
>> May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
>> *Rico Lin*irc: ricolin
> --
> May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
> *Rico Lin*irc: ricolin

May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,

*Rico Lin*irc: ricolin
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