Hi everyone,

If you’re running OpenStack, please participate in the User Survey
<http://www.openstack.org/user-survey> to share more about your technology
implementations and provide feedback for the community.

Please help us spread the word. We're trying to gather as much real-world
deployment data as possible to share back with both the operator and
developer communities. We have made it easier to complete, and the
survey is* now
available in 7 languages*—English, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean,
traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.

Based on feedback from the operator community, we are only conducting one
survey this year, collecting submissions until early August. The report
will then be published in October prior to the Berlin Summit
<https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/>  If you would like
OpenStack user data in the meantime, check out the analytics dashboard
<https://www.openstack.org/analytics>updates in real time, throughout the

The information provided is confidential and will only be presented in
aggregate unless you consent to make it public.

The deadline to complete the survey and be part of the next report is
*Friday, August
3 at 23:59 UTC.*

   - You can login and complete the OpenStack User Survey here:
   - If you’re interested in joining the OpenStack User Survey Working
   Group to help with the survey analysis, please complete this form:

   - Help us promote the User Survey: https://twitter.com/OpenStack/status/

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Amy Marrich (spotz)
OpenStack User Committee
OpenStack-operators mailing list

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