We used raw backed qcows.  We even have/had an ansible playbook that would 
pre-stage the raw files on compute nodes.

This should be controlled by the: force_raw_images= True paramater (which also 
happens to be the default).  I don’t think its possible to do this via 
ephemeral volumes.

Re: your image placement there is schedulure options that cover image/falvor 
metadata and dedicating hosts to those specific images/flavors. 
 - Look for Images Properties filter and the Compute Capabilities Filter.  You 
may need to extend the image property filter to inculde random key matching 

Kris Lindgren
Senior Linux Systems Engineer

From: Adam Lawson <alaw...@aqorn.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 2:48 PM
To: "openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org" 
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [Glance] [Nova] Multiple backends / Qcow 
Derived Images

Just a friendly bump. To clarify, the ideas being tossed around are to host 
QCOW images on each Compute node so the provisioning is faster (i.e. less 
dependency on network connectivity to a shared back-end). I need to know if 
this is possible or not. So far, I've seen nothing that suggests that it is but 
i want to confirm that.

Also, derived images is a QCOW thing[1], I'm wondering if creating these 
dynamically is supported by Nova and/or Glance.



Adam Lawson

Principal Architect, CEO
Office: +1-916-794-5706

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Adam Lawson 
<alaw...@aqorn.com<mailto:alaw...@aqorn.com>> wrote:
Greetings fellow Stackers!

Question re GlanceNova: Does Glance and/or Nova support attaching volumes built 
with derived images (created from a master registered with Glance (ref qcow))?

Glance-only question: Can Glance be configured to place images on separate 
hosts (i.e. imageX on ComputeX and imageY on ComputeY)?


Adam Lawson

Principal Architect, CEO
Office: +1-916-794-5706<tel:(916)%20794-5706>

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