Just a friendly bump. To clarify, the ideas being tossed around are to host
QCOW images on each Compute node so the provisioning is faster (i.e. less
dependency on network connectivity to a shared back-end). I need to know if
this is possible or not. So far, I've seen nothing that suggests that it is
but i want to confirm that.

Also, derived images is a QCOW thing[1], I'm wondering if creating these
dynamically is supported by Nova and/or Glance.



*Adam Lawson*

Principal Architect, CEO
Office: +1-916-794-5706

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Adam Lawson <alaw...@aqorn.com> wrote:

> Greetings fellow Stackers!
> Question re GlanceNova: Does Glance and/or Nova support attaching volumes
> built with derived images (created from a master registered with Glance
> (ref qcow))?
> Glance-only question: Can Glance be configured to place images on separate
> hosts (i.e. imageX on ComputeX and imageY on ComputeY)?
> //adam
> *Adam Lawson*
> Principal Architect, CEO
> Office: +1-916-794-5706 <(916)%20794-5706>
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