On 2016-03-04 16:34:27 +0200 (+0200), Maish Saidel-Keesing wrote:
> By saying that someone who contributes to OpenStack - but doing so by
> not writing code are not entitled to any technical say in what
> directions OpenStack should pursue or how OpenStack should be governed,
> is IMHO a weird (to put it nicely) perception of equality.

Conversely, you're arguing for an expansion of scope for the TC. Its
charter right now gives it power to govern the activities of the
groups which produce the software and documentation which make up
OpenStack. We have a separate governing body, the UC, which is
intended to represent the people who deploy, run and interact with
OpenStack software. Are you saying the UC should be dissolved and
everyone it formerly represented should come under the jurisdiction
of the TC? Or that we should all be represented by both the TC and
UC no matter what our involvement with the OpenStack
community/ecosystem might be? Or something else entirely?

Governance in OpenStack is a two-way street, and the people whose
actions are governed choose who governs those actions. Any increase
in scope of possible voters is an equal increase in scope for the
body governing them, and I don't personally think we should hand the
TC additional jurisdiction outside its present charter.
Jeremy Stanley

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